Alum: A fluid gender element that changes linity. It may change expression/presentation or may not. It may also simply fluctuate within its linity, and just change intensity.Ani: For gender elements affected by neurodivergency.Autipsychogender: When your gender is informed wholly/in part by your autistic psychosis symptoms/by your comorbid autism and psychotic disorders. Cathoard: When you hoard catgenders (+ other cat related genders) that relate to you, even ones that barely fit you.Cro: A gender elements that can only be defined by the person themselves. These are a liminy that only the person themselves can express, experience, or perceive, too unique to be shared or understood by others.Edgecute: A gender identity that feels both edgy and cute. May involve having a gender that is both edgy and cute, experiencing both edgy and cute genders simultaneously, or being fluid/fluctuating between edgy and cute genders/gendered feelings. (When Tricky and Deadkat both front, this is how we feel.)Girlie: A gender free from any gender confines- anyone can be a girlie! It's all about loving yourself and growing into the person you want to become.Glimcollectic: A gender that feels like you saw it sparkling in the grass, and picked it up to add to your collection of shiny things. It may also be related to corvidcore and magic.Lan: For gender elements that are xenogender. Someone whose gender is ‘lan’ means their gender is on a linity that is unusual, abstract, or nontraditional. This means they might define their gender by colors, numbers, pictures, crystals, space, or anything that is not expected.Lexegender: A gender that is easier to describe with words/a word due to neurodivergency; your gender may not actually be related to what the word means, however the word itself adequately describes one’s gender.Neuroflux: When you identify with more than one neurogender, and fluctuate between them.Pancatgender: Being all (or most) cat-, catkin, catcore, or cat-related genders in one's experience.Psychogender: A gender that can only be understood in the context of a psychotic disorder.Transhazard: An gender based in unapologetic transness and opposition to cisnormative gender; A rejection of societal gender norms as a universal concept and an embracing of all those outcast by it.Trendercoric: A gender reclaiming the insult “transtrender”/”trender” from transmeds. Revolves around bright colors, self-love, inclusiveness, and being very prideful about your sexualities and genders!
Arcadegender: A gender related to arcades/arcades aesthetics.Argcoric: A gender that relates to the aesthetic of args, internet mysteries, analog horror and other such things.Aur: A gender element defined by masculinity.Boyfuck: A gender that is masculine/a boy but in a transgender, fuck around and find out way.Catgender: A gender related to being a cat/cat person.Catboy Princian: A gender related to being a cat and a prince.Catmaidgender: A gender related to cat maids or being a cat maid.Eldrigender: A gender or lack of thereof defined as dark, nebulous, and ultimately unknowing.Eldritchcute: A gender that is both eldritch and cute. May be unearthly, otherworldly, eerie, uncanny, strange and incomprehensible to humans yet cute, whimsical, adored, etc.Felmouboy: A gender that could be described as being soft, cute, feminine, and related to cats, but inherently a boy.Horrorloggender: A gender relating to analog horror, ominous VHS tapes, found footage, eerie radio broadcasts, weirdness, glitches, distortion, cryptids, non-humanity, and jumpscares.Lumicattic: A gender that's connected to stars, cloudy night skies, space, celestial bodies, cats, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.Malewifegender: A gender that's a malewifeMeteorshoweric: A gender related to meteor showers, this gender can connect to night skies, rocks, astronomy, stars, planets, astrological events, or just space in general.Nocatsleepyic: A gender related to sleepy cats, books, tranquality, large sweaters, night, space, and the feelings of being soft/cute/sleepy.Petcoric: A gender related to the petcore aesthetic.Webcatian: A gender connected to cats and webcore aesthetics.Trans catboy: When you're a trans catboy.Vaporwavic: A gender related to vaporwave!
Firecoric: A gender based on firecore, fire and lava aesthetic.Genderflamma: A gender that flares and burns like a flame, only to poof up and go away.Girlbeast: When you’re a girl but also a wretched animal.Girlbossgender: When the gender is a girlboss
Angender: A gender you can't describe other than as anger or hatred.A gender feeling connected to the aesthetic looks of sharp weapons in a gendered way, one's gender might feel sharp, dangerous and evil but doesn't have to exclusively.Defessugender: A gender associated with jadedness towards your gender or exhaustion with it, sometimes due to mental illnesses or external influences.Furoremis: A gender for when your anger issues/anger problems hold you back or keep you from completely understanding your gender in its entirety.Insomnigender: A gender relating to insomnia. One's gender could feel restless or tired. It could also feel like it is resting at times irregularly.Panthergender: A gender connected to panthers. Can be connected to behaviors, appearance, etc. Can be a kingender too. Nebbiagender: A gender describing the experience of not knowing/understanding your gender identity due to fatigue, brain fog, or dissociation. Can be feminine, masculine, or androgyne aligned (ex. nebbiagirl, nebbiaboy, nebbiaenby etc).Sana: For gender elements that are unknown, confusing, or chaotic. Someone whose gender element is ‘sana’ means their gender element isn’t fully or at all known, understood, or too complex to pin down. How intense or chaotic it is doesn’t matter.
Auticatgender: When your gender is related to cats/being catgender and being autisticBloodcoric: A gender related to bloodcore, it can be tied to the blood, gore, and other things associated with blood and bloodcore.Catgender: A gender related to being a cat/cat person.Crypdostaesic: A gender aesthetically related to shadow people, ghosts, and cryptidcore; an aesthetigender related to shadow people, ghosts, and cryptidcore.Crypfrustra: A gender that has a connection with liminal spaces and being a cryptic but is actually without the purpose of wanting to scare people or being alone and scared. Also somehow related to manhood in any way.Cryptidcoric: A gender related to cryptidcore.Darkpermic: A gender centered around the laperm cat breed, fluffy cats, cats in general, fluffy things, and dark aesthetics.Duskcatboy: A gender connected to being a catboy with dark/black fur. Can also feel sleepy, tired, or sleep deprived.Emocatgender: A mix of catgender and emocoric.Evilcatboygender: A gender connected/related to being a catboy that's a bit mischievious/evil.Feralfelinegender: A gender that feels chaotic and like a cat.Gendergast: A gender that feels ghostly and like it hovers over other genders, calmly watching.Ghostcoric: A gender related to ghostcore. It focuses on imagery of ghosts, white cloth sheets, white dresses, and other eerie imagery. One may feel a very faded feeling to their gender!Liminalcoric: A gender related to liminalcore. This may feel frozen, unsettling, but familiar in a way that might be peaceful, frightening, or confusing. Liminal spaces may invoke the feelings of dread, nostalgia, peace, anemoia, and/or kenopsia.Meowsterenergygender: A gender related to cats/catlike behaviour and monster energy drinks.Misfortunix: A gender related to black cats, broken mirrors, walking under ladders, and other traditional unlucky things. This gender can also have ties to halloween and scary things.Putregender: A slightly cold, masculine gender connected to rotting or decaying corpses, rotting flesh, gore, melancholy, and dark academia. It’s connected to the scary, mysterious, intimidating feeling of being in a cemetery or in the presence of death.Raserian: A gender related to rage/fury/anger. May be a neurogender for those who experience chronic irritability/anger, or it may simply be a gender related to rage/irritability in general.Rosangcatic: A gender related to blood, flowers, grunge + alternative aesthetics, skirts, lovecore, pretty cats and candy.Pechgender: A gender related to the mistreatment of black cats and the superstition around them. This gender may have cat characteristics and feel unlucky.Scenecorecatgender: A gender related to cats and scenecore.
Gendercuralium: A gender similar to a coral reef/related to one. It is composed of many parts that help each other exist and is very vast and beautiful.
Catgender: A gender related to being a cat/cat person.Errorcoric: A gender related to glitchcore, computer errors, and technology. This gender feels chaotic and incomprehensible, but understood best through a connection to technology.Errorlexic: A gender related to the word errorGlitchcoric: A gender related to glitchcore/glitchy aesthetics in technology.Hackercoric: A gender related to hackercore (the aesthetic of hackers/hacking).Viruscoric: Similar to errorcoric, but more malicious and evil just for the purpose of being evil.Webcoric: A gender related to webcore aesthetics.
Holidelusogender: A gender in which one's gender is affected by delusions of being divine, holy, demonic, angelic, or godly.Lumicattic: A gender that's connected to stars, cloudy night skies, space, celestial bodies, cats, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.Raspberrycatgender: A gender related to raspberries, cats, and raspberry cat aesthetics. Can be connected to both raspberries and cats, or feel like a mix.
Catgender: A gender related to being a cat/cat person.Sweatermasc: A masc gender that relates to sweaters, cold weather, coffee, soft heavy blankets, and listening to music.
Aitherogender: An ethereal, otherworldly gender identity that feels like it originated beyond Earth’s concepts of gender, making it nearly impossible to explain through a written or spoken medium.
Gravigender: A gender that is extremely intense and strong. One's gender may also feel heavy.
Affectiocoric: A gender related to affection, hearts, cards, and love.Amocatix: A gender related to cute tihngs, cats, and love.Aren: A gender element defined by femininity.Auticatgender: When your gender is related to cats/being catgender and being autisticBimbocattix: A Gender that can be classified as feeling like a ditzy, hyperfeminine cat.Candygender: A gender related to candy in some way.Catcutegender: A mix of catgender and cutegender.Catgirlic: A feminine-neutral gender that is related/connected to catgirls, pretty colors, soft things, and kitties.Cattix: A cat neurogender that is connected to cats in general and the love of cats.Faikepic: A gender related to big stuffies, glitter, coloring, fairy lights, soft sweaters, blankets, gently scented candles, stickers, warmth, sleepiness, and safety.Felisolcoric: A gender related to sleeping in sunspots, or a catgender that feels sunny.Evilsillygender: A gender that is evil and silly.Gendervaflum: A gender that feels sweet, imprinted on, and cooked. Also related to waffles.Glittercattic: A gender related to glitter, hyperfemininity, makeup, ditzeness, and bimbocore. It's when you feel connected to femininity, glitter, and cats.Kawaiicoric: A gender related/connected to kawaiicore. Like cute, childish things, pastel colors (mainly pink), anime, deserts, and delicate imagery.Kittysoftgender: A merge of kittygender, kittycute, and blankiegender. A gender that is cute and gentle.Lamun: For gender elements that are androgynous. This can mean they’re in between masculine and feminine, or are a combination of both, making its own expression.Lovecatgender: A warm, cuddling gender. It's connected to love, romance, and cats.Lovenightcoric: A gender related to lovecore and looking up at the night sky. This gender may feel like a mix of both lovecore aesthetics and night related aesthetics.Lustcoric: A gender where you feel connected to the aesthetic of incubi/succubi/the deadly sin of lust & are just like "wow this is so gender."Mascpinkic: A gender connected to the color pink and pink palettes while also being masculine! This gender can be connected to being GNC, but doesn’t have to be.Meowmeowgender: When your gender feels like a little meow meow.Mewbellic: A cute, sweet, soft gender. Related to cat bells in some way.Prettycatboygender: A gender related to pretty cat boys, cute things, and candy.Sillycatgender: A gender connected to playfulness, hyperactivity, and the warmth of cats/kittens and clowns/circuses.Softcatgender: A gender connected to feeling young and small, like a kitten. This gender is a fluid gender shifting between femininity and catgender. It is also warm, soft, and pastel.Strawbcakecatgender: A gender related to cats, strawberry shortcakes, and being an enby girl.Strawberrymilkgender: A flag for people who feel connected to sweet and cute things and express their love through kindness and niceness.Sweetcatgender: A gender connected to soft, fluffy cats and sweet, sugary things.Toebeancatgender: A gender connected to a cat's toe beans/a cat's claws/paws.Princian: A gender related to being a prince/royalty.
Yellowcoric: A gender related to the color yellow and yellow flowers.