Mewfew is a character made from Wigglersim! The game randomly generates a troll, and it gave me Mewfew! Her sign is Virga, so she is a Space palyer and on Derse! I haven't made a class for her yet. She's an Auxiliatrix and raises mutantbloods on Earth C!


Sapphire is a water demon from hell, and friends with Amber. They consider each other sisters.

She's a omnisexual fire demon from hell. Her main mission is to cause some mischief and also make all horrible people pay. As you can guess, this causes a lot of trouble. She has BPD (along with AuDHD), her friend Zack tries to help her manage this, and she teaches him how to stand up for himself. They're a duo that can't be seperated. They met in a support group.

Zack is a half-human, half-werewolf gay man. After being in an abusive relationship and finally getting out, Zack has taken up a nice job and attends a support group + therapy to help manage himself. This is where he met Amber and they've been friends ever since. He has a habit of people-pleasing in interpersonal relationships, so Amber tries to help him be more serious about his bounderies.